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Strength & Flex

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All posts for September 2023

5Rhythms Challenge - Week 3 of 3

Last week of our 5Rhythm challenge! I’ve had to take it slowly, due to a pulled ...
CBDB profile image

October Yoga / Pilates Mat : How is everyone’s favourite S&F practice?

It's almost October, and I'll be looking to do some gentle S&F work over this mo...
CBDB profile image

5Rhythms Challenge - Week 2 of 3

How is everyone doing? Yesterday I had a full day of going to expos and an art ...
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WAKE UP! It's a BEAUTIFUL morning...

Yes, it is.! Okay the weather might look a tad iffy... you may not have slept w...
Oldfloss profile image

5Rhythms Challenge - Week 1 of 3

We’re getting started with the 5-Rhythms! As some of you may know, 5Rhyth...
CBDB profile image

Oldfloss on: Feet, Calves, Knees, Hips Hamstrings Butts, Back, Head Shoulders, Neck Arms: UPDATE...SOME Things are Worth Repeating.

HELLO !!! Surprise!!!!!! Yes, here I am again and this time, I am back here with...
Oldfloss profile image

5Rhythms - Teaser for our upcoming 3-week movement challenge

Coming up next Sunday: Who’s up for trying out a mindful and fun movement/dance ...
CBDB profile image

Spoon life

Yesterday was supposed to be a running day, but with a show in London, and knowi...
Gthants profile image

Another curved ball 😐

Things had been going well !I was at the gym 2x a week for strength and Cardio (...
Instructor57 profile image

The rehab continues!

My rehab sessions at the local gym continue 2x a week where I have been doing a ...
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