Posts - Strength & Flex | HealthUnlocked

Strength & Flex

7,955 members1,742 posts

All posts for March 2016

Advice excercise with Joint problems

On connecting to the One you there is nowhere I can find to temper the excrcises...
Debsdesire profile image

Fitness training with Myalgic Encepalomyelitis

I'm interested in hearing from anyone who is a sufferer who tries to get or rema...
Ovets profile image

Strength exersizes

I am aware I need to include some strength exersizes in my fitness routine but I...
Hidden profile image
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Advice please

I have just started on C25k and am on week one with just day 3 to complete. I a...
BarbaraV profile image

List of the exercises?

Is there anywhere that lists out what exercises are in each podcast/week? When I...
iforkin profile image