Posts - Tourettes Action | HealthUnlocked

Tourettes Action

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All posts for June 2013

Home Sweet Home

The Flupentixol has kicked in thank goodness, I’m at least ticcing less but I st...
catherinem profile image

Through the Keyhole

I have now become another victim of the economic downturn. I’ve been evicted. Ev...
catherinem profile image

Seeking volunteers for research - successful talking therapies for tics

We are looking to recruit volunteers to participate in our research exploring th...
Seonaid profile image
Tourettes Action
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Young people’s views on treatments for Tourette Syndrome

Young people’s views on treatments for Tourette Syndrome We’re conducting a stu...
Seonaid profile image
Tourettes Action

The Listening project

Tourettes Action are supporting a Medical Historian - Leah Songhurst - who spec...
Seonaid profile image
Tourettes Action

The curse of the T

So I have been missing for a few months... This isn't because my Tourettes sudde...

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