Posts - Tourettes Action | HealthUnlocked

Tourettes Action

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All posts for January 2011

Bunny love =:x

I think I am going deaf slowly but surely. Loud music? Can't stand it. Night clu...
LittleClapham profile image

Something for the Weekend

I thought that I should revert to what I intended to blog about initially rather...
catherinem profile image

A Message from Dan Byles MP

As it was my idea to begin with I recently emailed my local MP Dan Byles (MP for...
catherinem profile image
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ADHD diagnosis

Since watching a TV programme a couple of years ago I have suspected that I too ...
taffy222 profile image

Tablets for TS

I have had TS all my life but was only diagnosed 10 yrs ago. I have tried Tetrab...
Danny453 profile image

What you want, we got it!

More like what I don't want, I've got it. It's a new tic, a rather silly vocal t...
catherinem profile image

Everybody loves you when you’re dead

Earlier to today whilst reading my messages on Facebook I came across a thread s...
catherinem profile image

NOSI Mosey

For me at the moment one of the most distressing parts of my TS is my NOSI, that...
catherinem profile image

More on the NHS Reforms

I just happened to come across a report on the Politics Show
catherinem profile image

18 Musicians, or stay at home and listen to the CD?

Something came through my letter box yesterday, something that really I shouldn’...
catherinem profile image

Oh, Yes.

Yesterday I had my appointment with my consultant which went well despite my emb...
catherinem profile image

I little birdie tells me…..

I would just like to impart a bit of advice, as a person who’s just completed th...
catherinem profile image

support groups for children

Hi, does anyone know of any support groups for parents of children with Tourette...
Rachwls profile image

Calling all fellow Midlanders!

The lovely groups support officer Julie, has arranged another get together for a...

The Evils of Alcohol

My partner has unfortunately has an unfortunate trait, the ability to drink and ...
catherinem profile image

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

I’m feeling much better, a bit faster, well my head tic affectionately known as ...
catherinem profile image

Why I now hate Cineworld

I like to go to the Cinema. It is something I do every two weeks as per my timet...
LittleClapham profile image

Chop, Chop, Chop

Our friends in the government are at it again, busy, busy, busy with their littl...
catherinem profile image

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