Posts - Tourettes Action | HealthUnlocked

Tourettes Action

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All posts for November 2010

Goodbye NHS, we will miss you R.I.P.

Guess what I’m back on my soapbox again which is quite unsurprising considering ...
catherinem profile image

Not again :(

It was finally starting to look optimistic... me being referred to the Tourettes...
LittleClapham profile image

So you think you’re Funny?

This is a message to all those poor, poor people that find themselves on the int...
catherinem profile image
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Freak Like Me

I’ve just discovered a new TV programme, in fact after watching one episode I’ve...
catherinem profile image

Calling All Midlanders?

Are there any other ticcers like me roaming the streets of the West Midlands? Ju...

Is not being able to speak a vocal or phone tic?

Is not speaking or not able to speak a type of vocal tic or phone tic? Is it dif...
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Is being thought of as abrupt or aggressive (because of speech difficulties) a recognized part of TS?

As a member of the TS ‘family’ (no diagnosis but my sons have) – I am sometimes ...
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How to access HRT (Habit Reversal Therapy)?

How do we access Habit Reversal Therapy – my daughter has painful, damaging tics...
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Does HRT just suppress external tics without changing the urge?

Is there a risk with habit reversal therapy that external tic is reduced however...
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As you can see charlie Turveys picture does not show him completely, just a part of his face can anybody help.

picture not showing charlie properly, Can anybody help.
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i cant seem to upload picture to my profile i follow instruction but it dont wor...
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I predict a riot

Well at the very least I’m not very happy; in fact I’m quite worried. Being the ...
catherinem profile image

Alcohol and TS medications - What's the effect?

Can I drink alcohol with all the medication I take, i.e. risperidone, concerta, ...
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Sydenham's chorea and TS

There's a reference in the Times today (12 Nov) to the well-known German playwri...
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Anger and confrontation

My son (21 and still at home) is easily irritated and is often confrontational w...
Jocklet profile image


My son is 21 and often feels exhausted. Is this just his age and staying out t...
Jocklet profile image


In my last blog I mentioned that I was being referred to a psychiatrist about my...
LittleClapham profile image

Remember You’re A Womble.

Over the weekend there have been numerous news reports detailing plans for us do...
catherinem profile image

Birthday Boy

Surprisingly, I had a great night last night, I was dreading my partner’s birthd...
catherinem profile image

It is foolish to pluck out one's hair for sorrow, as if grief could be assuaged by baldness - Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

I’m feeling quite positive today, I had a session with my HRT therapist 3 days a...
catherinem profile image

Tourettes is not a psychiatric disorder...

I was told I MIGHT have Tourette syndrome when I was 15 years old. Then I was to...
LittleClapham profile image

A Message to Dr Stern

I’ve mulling over some of the points that have been made both during the confere...
catherinem profile image

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