Posts - Tourettes Action | HealthUnlocked

Tourettes Action

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All posts for February 2012


If it doesn’t rain, it pours. After a nice day rushing around IKEA, avoiding oth...

One eyed bandit

Since my last blog post I have been in the wars. Firstly while bird watching, my...
LittleClapham profile image

Tourettes Action Conference Belfast Northern Ireland

We are pleased to announce our first Conference on Tourette Syndrome in Belfast,...
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Welcome to my World!

“Teenage angst has paid off well Now I’m bored and old” Indeed, I wish there...

Jumping Somebody Else’s Train

I had a useful conversation with a member of staff at Coventry Station on Friday...

A little bit down

I've been feeling quite sad, but not depressed, the last week. I suppose part of...

Slave Trade

Today I’m really not feeling good, which really demonstrates what I’m going to h...

A Bit of Detective Work

I’m not feeling too clever today, over the last few days I’ve been very depresse...
catherinem profile image

Vocal Tics or Motor Tics?

All of us with Tourette's Syndrome know how loud vocal tics can effect your eve...
Laurakaren profile image

He Loves Me…..He Loves Me Not….

He loves me….he loves me not. Oh well, I knew that anyway. What else would I exp...
catherinem profile image

Will the Worm Turn?

Until a couple of days ago I wasn’t too sure about Red Ed and his suitability to...

Hello there

I couldn't come up with a decent title... The past couple of weeks have been...
LittleClapham profile image

Curse of the hidden disability

I have been reading an article on the Beeb about the benefits cap (why do I pict...
LittleClapham profile image

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