Posts - Tourettes Action | HealthUnlocked

Tourettes Action

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All posts for July 2012


Tourettes Action Group East Anglia - meeting in Norwich Saturday 4th August 2012...

The nightmare continues

THANK GOD I finally stopped throwing up shortly after the last blog post. My ene...
LittleClapham profile image


We are holding a group start up meeting in Grantham, Lincs on Saturday 28th July...
jules7 profile image
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When I were a girl……

That’s a phrase I would often hear when I was a kid, if ever I started to compla...

Nightmare week

This week has been a complete nightmare. It all started on Sunday. I suddenly fe...
LittleClapham profile image

Help Tani, Help Yourself

One of the reforms that the condemns want to push through pretty sharpish is an ...

Tics while trying to sleep

The last few nights I seem to have developed an increasingly bad issue with tics...
alexfrombath profile image

Waiting for the Great Leap Forward

I’m not happy; I’m feeling really fed-up. It’s nothing relating to me and my TS,...
catherinem profile image

Calling all you Cov Kids

I’m gathering some information. I’ve just been contacted by a lady who will be m...

Trying to understand- urges or tics?

Hi, I'm pretty new to this as my 7yr old son has only just begun to show sympto...
Skins profile image


I think the title sums it up. ARGH! Definitely. Went back to work on Monday...
alexfrombath profile image


Hi all , i wondered if anyone had any advice on how to relax and unwind in th...
Lee86 profile image

.Please can anyone give me advice? My question is below had to put it in additional info box as too many characters.

Hi, i have booked an appointment for my son Tommy at the doctors, i would like t...
kayt profile image

hi everyone,I'm very worried about my 14 yr old son. he's had tics since he was 8yrs old but has managed to make excuses for them at school

. Last week he rang me very destessed saying that his head was jerking uncontrol...
shazt profile image

It's That Time Again!

Another dose of fun and frolics, this time in the country (????) This is a meeti...

Another clonidine post

Back to work today. Been off for a week or two, at first because of the tics, a...
alexfrombath profile image

Do Yourself a Favour

A policy officer’s work is never done, I should have written this blog post a fe...
catherinem profile image

Spraying water in my face

I'm feeling a bit better today. That might be the large coffee I drank this morn...
LittleClapham profile image

Very incredibly not happy :'(

Because I am autistic I don't like change. The past week has been hard for me. O...
LittleClapham profile image

Hi guys next year I will be completing the London to Brighton 100km challenge and walking from City to Coast.

All money raised will go to Tourettes Action. We would be extremely grateful f...

How Not to Live Your Life

Like the character Don Danberry from “How Not to Life Your Life” I often play th...

Many Rivers to Cross

We had a good meeting yesterday in Birmingham, but today’s blog is really a mess...

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