Posts - Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support | HealthUnlocked

Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support

5,551 members628 posts

All posts for January 2020

Starting questions. What is happening with me?

Hi there, I am new to this site and am looking for some advice. It all started...
DoASCV profile image

Sharp shooting pain in mouth

Hi there I believe I had my first attack of TN the other night. Can someone expl...
Sandieandie profile image

Not too old but always unwell

I am always unwell and I am tired of it. I am 56 years old and have so many thi...
Sandieandie profile image
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Help please

In 2008 I got swine flu, it left me with many disabilities and illnesses. I foug...
Tibby3a profile image

Don't know how to title this...

I have Fybromyalsia. I take Gabapentin and a bunch of other drugs. When I am in ...
Venae profile image

Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!

Hi everyone, I’m quite new on here, Happy New Year to you all 🥳🎊. Little bit a...
Warrior50 profile image

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