Posts - Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support | HealthUnlocked

Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support

5,555 members628 posts

All posts for February 2019

Can any one help with this

Hi there in been in a lot of pain with my lower back and neck for years docter...

What is the cause of Brain Fog

What do people do when they get Brain Fog is this affected by the weather? Whene...
alfie19 profile image

Neuropathy and Sjogren's

Hello, I'm new here. I struggle with very painful widespread small fibre neurop...
Katerina1 profile image
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Mixture connective tissue disease

I was diagnosed with MCTD a few years back. It started at an early age first I s...
ChoaticAdhd profile image

Vitamin D supplementation

I have been taking a 25mcg tablet of this for the past couple of years, have als...
Twitchen profile image


Hi I am new on here I am been sick for over a year with dizziness that won’t go...
Stephanie89 profile image

Neuropathy and MGUS

Hi all I was diagnosed with neuropathy over a year ago although they couldn't fi...
De8813 profile image

The pet whisperer

Being an animal trainer and behavior expert this condition "Non-Non-diabetic Per...

Help please Chrons any information

Hi I have just been diagnosed with Chrons and bile salt malabsorbation. The spec...
Daisy50 profile image

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