Posts - Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support | HealthUnlocked

Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support

5,555 members628 posts

All posts for July 2017

Scheduled a doctor's appointment and now I feel like I am on the verge of a panic attack...

I was excited when I scheduled an appointment last week. I researched this docto...
Kirsty_7771 profile image

Keep falling asleep

I kept falling asleep randomly today. Behind the wheels on the way to work, at w...

Weak Legs and very tired

Hi, For the past year or so I have been going back and forth to the doctors with...
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Don't know where to start... newbie needing advice please

Hello I'm so glad I found this place. I'm having not just health issues but also...
yelskwah85 profile image

muscle dystrophy

I am interested in anyone who has myotonic dystrophy and what meds that give rel...
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