Posts - Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support | HealthUnlocked

Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support

5,551 members628 posts

All posts for October 2019

Hi I'm new to this site and go under the name of cornish I am male of 70 years standing, previous good health

Just been diagnosed with fibromalgia and cronic fatigue syndrome. The neurologi...

Trigeminal neuralgia or something else?

I have had several bouts of pain along my upper and lower teeth over the past 1...

What could be causing my dizziness?

Hi. I haven't posted before so I hope it's clear to read! So, I'm having a prob...
Reu1 profile image
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Neuropathy and magnesium

Just wondered if anyone can advise the best magnesium supplement for idiopathic ...
Twitchen profile image

Pain in front of thighs

Why am I getting pain in front of thighs (not back thigh ) ?
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