Posts - Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support | HealthUnlocked

Foggy's "Invisible Illness" Support

5,555 members628 posts

All posts for July 2014

wrag group

i had my appointment with my work programme advisor today she was going on about...
basketcase54 profile image

This pain is getting ridiculous.......

Morning all. I hope someone can help. I have fibromyalgia and small fibre neurop...
Maggiet profile image

Hi, not diagnosed as yet but reading all the posts regarding fibro, that's like discribing me! If I have this, then I've had this for years.

It seems being a newbie on here, I haven't got to grips with how to post properl...
tiggie118 profile image
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My Original "Reply" to the Post: I have neuropathy but I'm not diabetic

About a year ago during an annual exam with my VA doctor, ! was diagnosed with n...
Donaldo profile image

Can anyone tell me where I can buy

Kefir probiotic yogurt I've tried every supermarket in my area including Holland...
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