Posts - LDN Research Trust | HealthUnlocked

LDN Research Trust

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All posts for July 2023

Share you LDN story, they are so inspirational to others!

Would you give a testimonial for our 29th anniversary book? https://form.ldnrese...
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Still Being Overlooked

Why is a potential ‘wonder drug' for women's health still being overlooked one y...
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Our publicity team are seeking to hear from women

Our publicity team are seeking to hear from women who have used / are using LDN ...
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This weeks LDN RT newsletter, read all about it
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Next Tuesday, 11th July, the 2 hours free Q&A Zoom webinar starts at 4 pm EST - 9 pm UK.

Aimed at Medical Professionals and Patients have your questions ready. Register ...
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This week's LDN Patient Newsletter

Can you help spread the word? Many Hands make light work Can you help spread th...
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Ask LDN questions live!
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We are currently in the middle of an important fundraising campaign to kickstart...
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