Posts - LDN Research Trust | HealthUnlocked

LDN Research Trust

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All posts for January 2018

Julie & Larry talk about Larry's use of Ldn for Parkinsons


Steve Irsfeld is a pharmacist in Dickinson, N. Dakota who is licensed in four States and uses Ldn

Steve Irsfeld is a pharmacist in Dickinson, N. Dakota who is licensed in four St...

Lesli Bitel and her Ldn story

Lesli Bitel suffered for 20 years which she felt was from mould exposure, and he...
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Steve Irsfeld is the owner of Irsfeld Pharmacy PC in Dickinson.was a guest on the LDN Radio Show 24th Jan 2018

Steve Irsfeld is the owner of Irsfeld Pharmacy PC in Dickinson.was a guest on th...

Dr. Harpal Bains & Ldn

Dr. Harpal Bains has practiced medicine for 20 years, starting out in convention...

LDN questions my medical team can't/won't answer!

Hi All, I have been on LDN for 3 weeks now, I am currently on 3mg, will increase...
Goldfrogs profile image

I'm new here, Seronegative Arthritis

Hi All, Id love to hear anything from anyone who shares a similar story , or has...

Dr Harpal & Ldn

Dr Harpal has had a varied and interesting career in medicine, starting with sur...

It's working!

So excited! After 20 years of CFS feeling better on LDN after 35 days. Cleaned m...
Michelemybell profile image

Cindy Kennedy - Nurse Practitioner 10th January 2018 on the LDN Radio Show talking about Lyme Disease.

just wondering what side effects come with hydroxycarbamide.

I was recently fitted with a pacemaker. a few weeks afterwards I went for pacing...
fairenough profile image

Dr Jill Cottel -Ldn

You have to admire Dr. Jill Cottel. She is a medical advisor for the LDN Researc...

Cindy Kennedy is a Nurse Practitioner working in women’s health for over 19 years. She practices gynecology and has cared for thousands

Cindy Kennedy is a Nurse Practitioner working in women’s health for over 19 year...

Dr. Ted Cole is an Integrative doctor and runs his “Cole Center of Healing” in Westchester, Ohio.

Dr. Ted Cole is an Integrative doctor and runs his “Cole Center of Healing” in W...

Dr Jill Cottel was a returning guest on the LDN Radio show, she talks about Remote prescribing in both California and Virginia.

She talks about Remote prescribing in both California and Virginia. She also dis...

Dr Ted Cole was a guest on the LDN Radio Show 3rd Jan 2018

Dr Theresa Ramsey has practiced allopathic and naturopathic medicine for 22 years, but has only known about and utilized LDN for one year.

Dr Theresa Ramsey has practiced allopathic and naturopathic medicine for 22 year...

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