Posts - LDN Research Trust | HealthUnlocked

LDN Research Trust

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All posts for August 2016

Dr Nasha Winters interviews Linda Elsegood.

Donna shares her experience of LDN for MS and Sjogren’s Syndrome

Chris shares his experience of LDN for Multiple Sclerosis
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May uses LDN for Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, Asthma and Allergies

Effects of taking Lomperamide with Ldn

Please could you tell me what effects are likely if Lomperamide is taken on nece...
cwill23 profile image

Nausea etc with LDN

I'm fairly new to using LDN. In the first 3 weeks I experienced slight weight lo...
Coppernob profile image

Liquid vs capsules and a rising tsh

Hiya. I started taking ldn about a year ago for my Hashi's. I'd had a hard time ...

Anna from England share her experience of LDN for Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

Dr Nasha Winters from the US share her experience of LDN


HI will ldn help with low b12/ vitd could I have any thoughts plz
Lucieb01 profile image

Dr Igor Schwartzman from the US shares his experience of LDN


Hi, I just started taking LDN for my breast cancer. My tumor keeps growing even...
Maccloepfil profile image

Purchasing LDN

Hi, Can anyone PM me where I can buy LDN from which is also quite cheap? Regards...
Booblet profile image

Denise Genett Holistic Health Practitioner and LDN user for Behect’s Disease

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