Posts - LDN Research Trust | HealthUnlocked

LDN Research Trust

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All posts for May 2014

Use for COPD

Hi I need some advice for a friend of mine, is anybody using LDN for COPD? And ...
MaryF profile image

Fibromyalgia -- Reduction in Pain!!

LDN has helped reduce my fibro pain more than any other medication or treatment ...

Reduction in Fibro Fog with LDN

Several of my friends and I have been taking LDN now for over a year and we have...
Alikat10 profile image
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Who is doing dose splitting with LDN

Hi if you are would be interested to know what times,and how etc.... MaryF
MaryF profile image

Sleep and LDN

For the first time in 20+ years I am going to sleep - and staying asleep all thr...
Alikat10 profile image

Are any of the new members taking LDN?

For any of the 174+ conditions where LDN could be of benefit such as, Multiple S...
LDNRT profile image

The LDN 2014 Video for the LDN Awareness Week 2/8th November 2014 (Low Dose Naltrexone)

Here is the LDN 2014 Video, sorry the late submissio...
LDNRT profile image

MS Friendly food

Does anyone eat a specific 'ms friendly' diet? I love a choc-chip cookie with m...

Taking LDN regularly and relying on it ALWAYS being available

Once a reliable source for purchasing regular supplies of LDN has been found, wh...

Ldn restores life

Spring of 1998, my car was hit by a 32 tonne bulk carrier farmers truck and this...
liveurlife profile image

LDN - Low Dose Naltrexone - Information Pack

Here is out information pack which you can take to your own doctor. If you are n...
LDNRT profile image

Nice to see LDN Research Trust on here!

Welcome, MaryF
MaryF profile image

LDN Is Helping to Reduce my Brain Fog in CFS/ME

Ever since taking LDN my brain fog has reduced significantly...Although I still ...
Alikat10 profile image

LDN and Fibromyalgia

Hi there! I have been taking LDN for my fibro now for close to a year now. The...
Alikat10 profile image

MS symptom improvement with LDN

Improvements in fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, vertigo and less aches and pains. S...

How long did it take people to begin seeing benefits from LDN?

Hidden profile image

LDN and Hashi's

I started LDN in 2008 because I didn't want any more autoimmune diseases. I thou...

LDN for Hashimoto's, IBD, Pernicious Anemia, & Vitiligo

I have been taking LDN for various Autoimmune Illnesses (AI's) for the past 8-mo...

LDN for Hashimoto's, IBD, Pernicious Anemia, & Vitiligo

I have been taking LDN for various Autoimmune Illnesses (AI's) for the past 8-mo...
Hidden profile image

LDN for Hailey-Hailey Disease (HHD)

LDN is helping me manage Hailey-Hailey Disease (HHD) by helping to dry up outbre...

Great that LDN is now on HealtUnlocked.....perhaps people will now take it seriously!!!

I have Lupus - diagnosed in Feb 13-but suffered for many, many years prior to th...
bam1993 profile image

Anyone has expierences with LDN and treating Lyme&co?

Eloise84 profile image

I've been on LDN for RR MS for 14 years.

I had my first "flare" in 1995, then was finally diagnosed with RR MS in 2000. ...
raledo profile image

Hi all new members :) Multiple Sclerosis and LDN

I'm Linda Elsegood founder of the LDN Research Trust, I have been taking LDN for...
LDNRT profile image

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