Posts - Kidney Transplant Patient Support | HealthUnlocked

Kidney Transplant Patient Support

1,321 members391 posts

All posts for February 2020

caring for someone with transplant and work life balance

Hi everybody Im starting reduced hours 8am to 2pm but is not going to last forev...
Mafy profile image

I need help

I am 18 years old and currently attending university. However, the program that ...
Anu4 profile image

Cellular and Antigen rejection at once?

So my last hospitalization was having to deal with double rejection. What I want...
Legomegamind profile image
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Anyone worried about the Coronavirus

Hi, was just seeing people thoughts really as I’m not even sure what it is and ...
Vicky89x profile image

I need help

After my transplant I was in situations out of my control. All I can put is it c...
Cazzy41 profile image

in need of hope!!! husband received new kidney 11 days ago

my husband has been in hospital since the 31st of January day that he had kidney...
Mafy profile image

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