Posts - Kidney Transplant Patient Support | HealthUnlocked

Kidney Transplant Patient Support

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All posts for October 2019

DNA testing after transplant

My son had his kidney transplant from deceased donor 2/18. Other than a few bloo...
Farmworld profile image


Has anyone had any problems with indigestion to the point of vomiting? I have br...
Dara3351 profile image


This might sound silly. Any over the age of 50 have a colonoscopy? I had Cologu...
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Shingles after transplant?

Anyone suffer from shingles after having your transplant? I’m 2 years post and j...
Dotti55 profile image


Is anyone on any type of fungal medication after transplant and if so what are y...
Dara3351 profile image

SPK transplant- what to expect?

Hi all, My husband is due to be activated on the transplant list at the end of t...
sophieeee profile image

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