Posts - Unexplained Faints and Consciousness | HealthUnlocked

Unexplained Faints and Consciousness

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All posts for December 2022

Merry Xmas!

Merry Xmas 🎅 to you all! I am still awaiting a full diagnosis following my sync...
Chelston profile image

A Christmas Wish...

All at STARS wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

If you have spare time over the holidays, why don't you sit back, watch, listen and learn with our 'Living with…' patient videos

There is still time to register for our patient educational series ' Living with...
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Industrial action There are planned strikes taking place in parts of the NHS. R...

It's 5 days until Christmas...

... but we're reminding everyone to not stress! This time of the year can often...

We are here to help you...

When you’ve been newly diagnosed with an arrhythmia it can be a very worrying ti...

Forewarned is Forearmed - Common causes of syncope during Christmas!

Church syncope: Prolonged standing and singing in a warm church with a full con...

Did you register for HRC Patients Day? You still have time ….

If you have time to spare over Christmas... why not register for our online HRC ...

Have you bought all your gifts?

Please donate £10 to STARS during December to receive a free STARS wish bracelet...

We want you to look after your heart this Christmas!

We want you to look after your heart this Christmas! Take a look at our resour...

Do you have a story to share?

If you’ve been diagnosed with a new condition it can be a very worrying time, by...

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