Posts - Unexplained Faints and Consciousness | HealthUnlocked

Unexplained Faints and Consciousness

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All posts for March 2017

Lose weight for STARS

Julie & Rachel in the office have decided they need to lose weight! For every po...


On March 17th my PM went into AEI mode (safe mode). No one told me that it would...
Heartstop profile image

14 month diagnosed with RAS... How do I cope

My daughter was recently diagnosed with reflex anoxic seizures. Since then she h...
Memesmummy profile image
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Recently diagnosed

Hi, I've just been diagnosed with vasovagal syncope. I have no warning signs and...
Rachiec82 profile image

Pots syndrome

Hey all. Today my partner (Danielle) was diagnosed with pots syndrome and we was...


I just found this site. I have NCS and have had a PM for about 9 years now. When...

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