Posts - Neuropathy Support | HealthUnlocked

Neuropathy Support

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All posts for May 2021

Leg pain from blood pressure drug?

Hi guys. My mum has had very severe lower leg pain for 2 months. This and swolle...

Burning skin

I’m on Armor Thyroid meds and it seems that the burning is tied to the dosage. S...

B12 / B6 questions

Hello, I have idiopathic, ‘mild’ neuropathy (numb toes and burning feet at night...
1jay profile image
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Next steps in determining cause?

My feet started burning in January. Flashes of burning heat on upper back when d...
BlueEmpath profile image

Does magnesium help neuropathy?

Hello Has anyone had any success in using magnesium to address (idiopathic) neur...
1jay profile image

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