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Neuropathy Support

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EMG and NCT tests query

after over 2 years of waiting to be referred, i finally have an appt with neurop...
Crochet_fan profile image

Any successful treatment with red light therapy for peripheral neuropathy?

Hello, I am wondering whether or not it’s worth pursuing some sort of photobiom...
1jay profile image

copper deficiency and PN...

Hello everyone, I am recent to this forum so please forgive me if this question...
KarkMuzio profile image

Salbutamol for Myasthenia

My EMG results were "Normal" so, despite the fact I have chronic muscle weakness...


I find Temgesic keeps my nerve damage at a bearable level that I want to stay ...


I am a bit confused with the medicine I have been prescribed with, I would like ...
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We are a peer support community for people living with neuropathy.

Here we share our experiences, ask questi...

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