Posts - Migraine Support | HealthUnlocked

Migraine Support

3,508 members468 posts

All posts for July 2021

Neurogastroenterologist Nottingham please

I’m having awful migraines with gastro pain (especially through the night). Coul...
Flecmac profile image

Tired head all the time

Good morning. I'm not sure if this is the place to post but I really would like ...
Eltoness profile image

Can anyone offer help with ‘Performance Anxiety’ ?

Hi, can anyone offer support for dealing with performance anxiety/ anxiety due t...
Jonjo2020 profile image
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Anxiety hypnosis apps

My migraines are horrendous, I am under the care of two Consultants and I’m wait...
Jonjo2020 profile image

I’ve been taking Ajovy injection for 5months and been trying to resolve dizziness and vertigo. Any connection? Stemetil worse heads ever.

Ajovy vertigo dizzy ness Stemetil

New headaches

Looking for some advise from those who suffer headaches. I’ve been experiencing...
Sgal profile image

Hunger and migraines?

I have really noticed that as soon as I let myself get to the state of being hun...

A neurologist who understands migraine with crohns disease

Hi, does anyone have Crohns disease in our migraine community ...I know that mig...
Pippwin profile image

Hormonal migraines help

Hi all! I've been diagnosed with chronic migraines since I was a teen and more r...
Hidden profile image

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