Posts - Migraine Support | HealthUnlocked

Migraine Support

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All posts for March 2020

Severe vertigo after 20 days of angioplasty.(diabetic)

Is there any treatment of vertigo(dizziness with vomiting)?My father has just un...

Migraine world summit

Here is the link to the most recent amazing summit. I have learned so much from ...

Why are my meds being reduced when I'm having so many seizure's?

I am epilepsy clonic tonic grand mal I am constantly having seizures am in and o...
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Post encephalitis as a teenager had migraines and headaches ever since.

Since 2003 I have been constantly plagued by head pain, headaches and migraines....
RED1224 profile image

Tween/teen migraines and anxiety/stress

Hello Migraineurs, Do any of you have stress or anxiety triggers for migraine? M...
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