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Healthy Evidence

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All posts for July 2017

NF2 neuroma and Lyrica [Pregabalin] and scoliosis do not mix!!

I have a neuroma on my spine, and have been given Lyrica [Pregabalin], for a pai...
Adlon57 profile image


i am now 6 years post stroke and have post stoke spasticity had an assessment f...

Schwannamatosis and Lyrica

Have just been prescribed Lyrica for a growth on my spine, I am still awaiting w...
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anaemia problems

i have anaemia, probably caused by a stomach /intestine bleed, symptom: blood in...
oranges104 profile image

Non healing broken rib, scoliosis!

I have scoliosis and had a broken rib since I fell in February, I had four fract...
Adlon57 profile image

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