Posts - Healthy Evidence | HealthUnlocked

Healthy Evidence

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All posts for May 2017

Harassed about smears

Hello community, I come from outside the Uk. I do not understand why whenever I...
Mmas profile image

Ginger? Don't get me started...

If food be your medicine then what are they? What foods fight inflamation? Give ...
ZuperNev profile image


I followed this group in the hopes it would do what the title suggests, but in f...
Plinth profile image
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PPI inhibitors/Altzhiemers

As a long term user, I have had leg weariness etc. I have read the research and ...
DH-- profile image

ADHD without medication?

I have ADHD, being retired and living on my own, I'm finding it very hard to get...
Adlon57 profile image

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