Posts - Gluten Free Guerrillas | HealthUnlocked

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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All posts for April 2011

Tooth Extraction - What to eat?

Hi Guys, I had 3 teeth extracted on Thursday after years of fighting with bad t...
ThatPandaGirl profile image

What could be causing my continued stomach pain?

2 weeeks ago I thought I had a stomach bug as I developed a burning, almost cram...
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Vitamin B12 or Penicious Anemia

Hi all. I am wondering how many of us have been diagnosed with having either vit...
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Bread Sticks.

Where can i buy some nice GF bread sticks. I used to get them on prescription b...
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Gluten Free on my doorstep.

When I was first diagnosed around 15/16 years ago there was prescription food bu...
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Do you declare you're a coeliac on Holiday Insurance applications

Its that time of the year again when I need to take out holiday insurance. I'm w...
philaustin profile image

Genius bread.

I really like the Genius bread and i am pleased its on prescription now. Its ...
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Coeliac Eliteism - who REALLY IS the most sensitive coeliac?

Hi guys, Does anyone else get sick of this coeliac eliteism that seems to happe...
ThatPandaGirl profile image

To GF or not to GF............*sigh*

Well, two weeks into my non CD/DH life and just a week before I find out which A...
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Refractory Coeliac Disease or Maybe.

Hi all. As an introduction my name is Ross and I live in Australia. I am a post...
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Does anyone else get salt and cheese cravings?

I mainly get these around 10pm and noticed I got them after going gluten free. I...
SillyYak profile image

Since being diagnosed with CD & going GF have you had a number of other health problems emerge?

Sometimes the body is so busy fighting gluten that other problems can bubble awa...
FionaGFG profile image

How gluten free should gluten free be?

This is not as daft as it sounds because we can not measure zero gluten we can n...
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IT UPDATE: Sunday service interruption...

From Healthunlocked techies: On Sunday 17 April, you will temporarily be unabl...
FionaGFG profile image

Cafe selling cakes saying they are gluton free when they are not !

I was on a coach trip with friends yesterday and i was delighted to see a cafe s...
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Why being strict with the Gluten Free Diet is SO important.

I have heard recently (from several sources), that post-diagnosis many people w...

Children - it's a minefield and then you bring in coeliac! A little help please?

Hi, Has anyone got kids? Did you struggle to conceive, or have any problems d...
ThatPandaGirl profile image

Where have all the GFG Admin Blog Posts gone?

There is a small quirk on this site which means that you don't get to see the GF...
Irene profile image

How long has it taken for your Villi to heal?Q

Often Drs don't have an answer to the question 'How long will take for my stomac...
FionaGFG profile image

Attention seeking or knowledge?.

As a Coeliac do you feel you need to belong on every coeliac site on the interne...
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I've been misdiagnosed!

Yes, it appears that I am a fake, although not intentially to deceive you all! ...
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Howdy Y'all! Does anyone else have BIG problems with their teeth? I know CD in...
ThatPandaGirl profile image

Questions about baby making!

Hi Guys, I'm new to health unlocked, but not new to coeliac (dx 2003) I was w...
ThatPandaGirl profile image

Gluten Free Barbecue?

anyone got any gluten free barbecue ideas? does your supermarket do gluten free ...

Saturday Kitchen faux pas: Coeliac chef eats pasta...

Guerrillas watch this link: Scroll t...
FionaGFG profile image

Fancy more GF choice?

Psst...we've seen a new campaign page that is urging Coeliacs/ GF dieters to 'Li...
FionaGFG profile image

How many of you complain when you get 'glutened' eating/ drinking out and about?

What's the response? If you don't complain - why is that? If you do - what met...
FionaGFG profile image

Watch: NHS reform Q&A by Mr Andrew Lansley CBE in Parliament

Stay informed on the radical changes to the Health Service. The changes will af...
FionaGFG profile image

Chef admits deceiving gluten free diners

I read an article today about a chef who has admitted to giving glutenous pasta ...
petraaitken profile image

What health tips would you give newbie Coeliacs?

What have you learnt on your journey back to health ref dealing with Drs, minera...
FionaGFG profile image