Posts - Gluten Free Guerrillas | HealthUnlocked

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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All posts for August 2010

Every Effort Is A Success

Well, I achieved what I set out to do - not die! The day itself was a challenge...
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Long Distance Cycling and the Idiot

So, here I am two days before I am due to participate in the London to Hastings ...
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Nutrition and the Coeliac, an intro

Hello everybody. I'm going to be writing about nutrition and foods, a subject th...
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Moaning Minnies? NHS Complaints are up.

The BBC today reports that the number of written complaints by patients against ...
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Hello from Me! And tips on Hong Kong / China

Hello, I am MissC and I will be providing a travel-based blog, although sometime...


Hello and welcome to the HealthUnlocked page for Gluten Free Guerrillas. We're...
FionaGFG profile image

Likelihood of other auto immune diseases

From all that I have read it seems that the onus is on the Coeliac patient to ta...
NiamhD profile image

Do coeliac disease symptoms resolve after following a gluten free diet?

I haven't had much luck with improving my symptoms having tried to diet for the ...
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What's the difference between coeliac disease and gluten insensitivity

I seem to get conflicting advice from the internet as to the difference between ...
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What to do next time I accidentally eat gluten?

I have coeliac problems and I accidentally ate something with gluten in a few we...
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A quick welcome (from the HealthUnlocked team)

We're really happy to be able to provide this brand new, slightly unique website...