Posts - COPD Friends | HealthUnlocked

COPD Friends

3,581 members1,405 posts

All posts for October 2021

Flare-up copd

Can I be treated at home for an COPD flare-up.havent had one before but I'm assu...
P-i-n-k profile image


Has anyone heard of or used serrapeptase for copd/ emphysema?
morehope profile image

Thank you

Thank you soooo much for allowing me to join your group, I am very curious on ho...
dadagirl3 profile image
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Walking outdoors

Hi I just wanted to know if anyone struggles when walking outside but is ok indo...
teresa297 profile image

Traveling with COPD

Hi I am new here I have just joined. I want to go on holiday while I still can, ...
Hidden profile image

Is it an exacerbation?

Hello, Hope everyone is still managing to keep safe and well!!! Seeking advice a...
D0n49 profile image

Newly diagnosed copd

New to this site .recently been diagnosed with copd ,also have asthma . Awaiting...
Joblogg profile image

This is how far I've come.

Was diagnosed in 2017 with copd,was quite mild and I carried on smoking stupidly...
Jake25 profile image

Antibiotics and sickness

Hi guys Hope you’re all not doing too bad Tis the season of the bugs again in U....
LaurieRose profile image

How much exercise is enough

I have recently been diagnosed with COPD and am confused with how much exercise ...

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