Posts - COPD Friends | HealthUnlocked

COPD Friends

3,581 members1,405 posts

All posts for November 2019

Bronchial valve procedure

Hi all I'm a new member with severe emphysema and wish to know if any have had v...
Hidden profile image


Why is it that we read of success they've had with lab animals using retinoic ac...
morehope profile image

Grace Ann Koople

Hi Grace I am newly diagnosed COPD suffer been recommended to context you for yo...
energy1 profile image
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I the past 7 days I have learned a few things

Saw my pulmonologist last Thursday. She gave me a new nasal spray for my sinus ...

COPD and Nursing

Hi every one qualified as nurse May this year now diagnosed with mild to modera...
energy1 profile image

Black seed vitamin

Does any one take black seed supplement ?
energy1 profile image

Today diagnosed with moderate COPD

Not sure how I feel right now ?
energy1 profile image

Cpap, copd?

cpap, copd. My Dr prescribed cpap, even though I am low risk. After 8 days I cou...
xx11xx profile image

Throat problems

First let me clarify that I am faithful to rinse and gargle after all treatments...
Nikilet profile image

Nebulized meds - a little left in the cup after treatment

I recently switched from inhalers to nebulized meds. I try to go extra long on m...

COPD / stem cell

I HAVE COPD for about the last year 1 1/2 and have looked into stem cell and am...
denture profile image

Worried about my wheezing

Hey everyone I seem to be wheezing just when breathing out I am full of a cold ...
Ne33 profile image


Any update on sillysauage is he better

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