Posts - Arthritis Action | HealthUnlocked

Arthritis Action

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All posts for August 2022

arthritis in big toe

h Hi I have arthritis in my big toe and have had the steroid injections but the...
Dazbazbez profile image

Arthritis caused by autoimmune response to covid

Hi all, I have recently suddenly started with RA caused by my autoimmune respon...
Paulandrew profile image

Not happy!!!

Hello everyone I have arthritis in many of my joints… my left wrist being the w...
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Which Artritis

😔one of my fingers really swelled up after painting a long fence it was so so...
SunnyWorld profile image

Pain four months after hip replacement surgery

Hello there, I'm writing on behalf of my mum. I was wondering if anyone could pl...
Duck33 profile image

PRP injection in hip.

I am waiting for a hip replacement and my Specialist told me that the pain down...
farcrowd profile image


Hi everyone, I am currently taking 6 zapain a day but really do not think they ...
cmjoyce profile image

Got in the End

After surviving the pandemic, and following all the rules, I had the jabs and bo...
Jessiedog67 profile image

hello... New to group.

Hi... just joined this group today... was hoping to share our experiences with ...
Ebtvet profile image


Been on methotrexate by weekly injection for about 18 months. Always suffered fr...
cba84 profile image

Anyone living in cornwall?

hi All im still contemplating a move to the south for beautiful scenery and a m...
Yasmee profile image

osteoarthritis & knee splints question

Both my knees are in need of full replacement. I'm only in my early 50's an...
Divasong profile image

Sharp pain in one finger and node appearing; also jaw pain like TMJ-- what to do?

Hi all, just joined the group. I've been on RA meds since 2018, take Cimzia, m...
RichDC profile image