Posts - Arthritis Action | HealthUnlocked

Arthritis Action

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All posts for October 2021

Scar tissue problems after tkr

Hi everyone,is there anyone else out there who is suffering from or has suffered...
Judym profile image

Difficulty rolling over in bed

Hi all, Have any of you had this? It is almost impossible to move back whilst la...
cmjoyce profile image


Hello everyone i hope you members of the forum can help me with some informatio...
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Vaccination names!

Hi, does anyone know for sure about the significance of the name given to the l...
trenarren profile image

World Arthritis Day

This week, we are celebrating World Arthritis Day, which took place yesterday, 1...
arthritis_action profile image

Covid jab

I received a letter the other day about getting my “3rd jab”. It said it’s diff...
Junny1 profile image

New to methotrexate

Hi all hope you are as well as can be,I've just been diagnosed with pysoratic ar...
Admiral59 profile image

Mosaicplasty or knock knees?

I have osteoarthritis in both knees, I was seen by a consultant two years ago wh...

INFLAMMATORY OSTEOARTHRITIS What is this diagnosis? Where can I find information about this?

Help please. I have been diagnosed with Inflammatory Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgi...
Jeffreys profile image