Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for November 2014

Folinic acid

My specialist has prescribed me Folinic acid. Anyone else tried this? Supposed ...

Weekend mag

Hi has anyone read the Daily Mail weekend magazine that came out yesterday. Ther...
Caza profile image

hello every one

sorry not been on for some time, but i have had a few ruff weeks, had my flu jab...
gwen2013 profile image
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new diagnose's

i'v had the symtoms of RA for a couple of years now , saw a differant GP in the ...
patrice123 profile image

Vagus nerve stimulation Radi4 program

I listened to "Frontier" on Radio 4 last Tuesday @ 21:00. It was about inflammat...
stbernhard profile image


I am going through an appeal court for pip ,I have received a letter from court ...
Hidden profile image

Biological drugs

Is there anyone on Etanercept for RA and Omalizumab for asthma? I have been on E...
helenlw7 profile image

Grr! Coping with friends' reactions

After telling her about my diagnosis of RA, my underwhelmed friend said she has ...
Sineaderoo profile image

Sleep walking/Dreaming

I am writing on behalf of my sister who is having problems sleep walking, she h...
Scorpius profile image

Rib pain

When i inhale an lay down my ribs tend to hurt really bad it comes an goes . Som...

MTX and ants

I have been on 15 mg of MTX for 3 weeks after 4 weeks on 10mg and I keep getting...


Had my first Infusion yesterday, everything went well and having second one on 1...
Marm profile image

pip assessement

hello, i had a pip assessment earlier on this week by capita. the woman asked me...
dillie profile image

Sick as a parrott

Hi all, been poorly for a bit now and fed up of it! Had chest infection, ear and...
allanah profile image

Daughter's appointment

She call appointments at right to choose today and was told to get to the unit h...
olive2709 profile image

NRAS Group - Salisbury

Attended my first NRASgroup last night on diet and RA. The talk was given by Ha...
Mistydawn profile image

The steroid kicked in

After your lovely responses to my first post, I called the Rheumatology dept at ...
Sineaderoo profile image

Just a quick Hello

Morning all I'm a bit nervous doing this as I'm a lad of 30 and just really comi...
azze84 profile image

NRAS Group Meetings Next Week

Dear All Please find details below of the NRAS group meetings taking place next...

Fed up

Fed up have had ra since 2006 and still suffering currently taking humira fed up...
Hidden profile image

Living with RA No.2

well, my exhibition is hung (thanks to my helpers) so in the middle of another s...
Jora profile image

Feeling rough......

Good afternoon everyone,as you know i have had food poisoning two weeks ago,well...
sylvi profile image

Methotrexate headaches

Hi all, I have been switched to the MTX injections after years of tablets as I h...
Pands profile image

Auto-immune hereditary?

I was just curious if any of u have family with auto immune conditions. My moth...
Hidden profile image


Thank you to everyone who has given advice on front fastening bras, I'll go thro...
RainyDays profile image


Does stress add to ra
windy123 profile image

Freezing cold legs/feet from knee downwards

I had a spinal cord stork in Jan 2012, level of injury T5. I'm constantly at th...
NatalieJanexx profile image

Newly Diagnosed

Hi All I too am newly diagnosed with RA (October 2014) though my symptoms start...
Mistydawn profile image

Ibuprofen supply

Just wondering if anyone else is having difficulty obtaining ibuprofen 600mgs ta...
Chrissycl profile image


I have RA in my hands, which makes doing bra up at the back difficult. Am tryin...
RainyDays profile image