Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for April 2012

Seeing specialist about RA ?

Hi thought id say hello to everyone , Dont really know where to start . Firstly...
bradford profile image

ESR AND CRP count?

Hi girls and guys ! I have had ra for 6 years now but cant remember what is the...
beachbabe profile image

What is a DAS ? I have been attending the arthritis clinic for quite a while and have not come across this? How is it calculated?

healeyf profile image
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Hi Have appt with Rheummy nurse this week and wondering whether to ask about methotrexate injections.

Been on 25mgs orally for nearly 6 months now ans so fed up with sickness etc. A...
Susanbet profile image

aloe vera?

hi, just wondered if anyone had any experience of aloe know how peo...
fizzy profile image

Another operation

Some of you might remember I had a wrist synovectomy about a month ago - the aim...

Day out after effects

Had a full day out at Llangollen yesterday at the Steam Trains OH hobby not my...
Ladybird47 profile image

Enbrel needles

I have been on Enbrel plus methatrexate for 3 years and it has transformed my li...
samuffin profile image


mac1313 profile image

I'm staying put today

I'm not stepping outside of the door today, why,because for starters i ache my k...
sylvi profile image

Partial Knee Replacement

well i was in to see the orthopaedic surgeon yesterday and he has decided the on...
aston profile image

Dr Martin Lee

Dr Martin Lee doing a fantastic job to raise awareness of RA and NRAS. Lets s...
aston profile image


apart from medication is there anything to relieve the neck pain .
alias profile image

voice activated software

Hi, any recommendations please? I can't do this typing malarky at the moment, s...
elsa123 profile image

cholesterol shock

Has anybody had a problem with raised cholesterol since starting meds? I take 20...
Treesha profile image

Not moved.

Here i am laying here in my recliner and i haven't stepped foot outside at all t...
sylvi profile image

I slept for 36 hours....

Hi one and all How are things in your worlds today? The weather appears to ha...
Hidden profile image

Since taking Arava 6 yrs ago I PU 2 hrly through the night. Full bladder every time. Is this a common side effect. No fluids after 5pm

magglen profile image


Hi ... does anyone just take MTX and no other drug with it
essexgirl profile image

More news from the castle.

Hi Everyone. It is a long time since I last put up a blog so thought I would br...
LavendarLady profile image

AHOY There Mateys!

I am delighted to tell you that I have been rescued! Along with four lovely ...
Hidden profile image


Hello can any one help ,this week i have been experiencing painful joints in wri...
thinkpositive profile image


Well 20 wks in a cast to try and fuse my broken ankle AND hindfoot nail fusion, ...
Hidden profile image

Started Rituximab today

Hi everyone, I haven't been on much for a while, I blogged a while ago as it ...
MrsFitz17 profile image

Good to see you all

I've been missing for a little while I know. I suppose the reason for this is I ...
Hidden profile image

First do no harm????

Sorry need to sound off, have had a so called professional being very nasty on t...
Traceyanne profile image

New hair

Well everybody here is my new hair for you to view. I spent the morning having p...
sylvi profile image

really ill

hi everyone i have been really ill with my ra and have been in hospital for 2 we...
ords profile image

Kenalog jab

Hi, I had this in my bum on Monday. The pain is so much better which is a bles...
elsa123 profile image

a side effect of Sulphazalazine?

I've been on Sulfa for a few months now but have just stopped as it may have bee...
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