Posts - Healthy Evidence | HealthUnlocked

Healthy Evidence

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All posts for October 2017

cjd endoscopy

Well thats what greated me at voice clinic. What are doctors not telling us abo...
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Vitamin D

I have ms, i have been taking a 25ug tab daily, ( is this the same as 1000mg?) m...

Juicy Lung's & Hyaluronan

Sounds lovely till you look at picture AND thats when you get lunp in throat. Fo...
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The advice given about 800 calories a day diet is so out of date on the NHS webs...
jrwm profile image

Surgery on wee finger?

I had surgery to remove a neuroma/benign tumour, NF2, on my left elbow five year...
Adlon57 profile image

PIP what sort of medical training does the personals have for assessing the capability of a candidate for PIP?

A person is assessed for PIP from DLA, do they have notes from this for referenc...

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