PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). - Women's Health

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PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease).

1 Reply

Hello, so probably about a month ago I was diagnosed with PID, as many people know this is usually most of the time caused by an STD, I did not have any STD cause I was tested and all results came in negative, however my doctor said you can also get PID because of harmless bacteria that lives in our vaginas.

I eventually got treated for it (with the antibiotics) and felt better, now I asked the doctor if my partner should be treated and he said no, but as I was reading in different articles in the internet most of them say that partners should be treated as well, so I’m very confused and I’m scared cause I don’t want to get that again, it was painful! I’m not quite sure why the doctor said no, can somebody give me their point of view or explain that to me? Also in the different articles, it says that sometimes men carry a bacteria that causes PID but what is that bacteria?


1 Reply
ShootingStars profile image

Hi healthvibes, Your doctor seriously told you that? Of course your partner also needs to be treated. How does your doctor think these infections are passed from person to person in the first place? Did your doctor test you for bacterias? If not, another fail here. If standard bacteria tests come back negative or do not grow culture, other causes for PID need to be determined to make sure you receive the correct treatment. The bacteria that the articles might be talking about don't show up on standard cultures. They require a special prep and testing. They are called mycoplasma and ureaplasma. They need to be tested to assure that you do not have permanently reproductive system damaging bacteria. These bacterias are often the cause of infertility issues and miscarriage.

Which antibiotic were you on and for how long? Unfortunately, it sounds like you'll need additional testing and definitely your partner needs to be treated. Otherwise you'll just acquire the infection again. Men are often silent carriers for all sorts of nasty things that don't effect them, but do effect women.

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