Sjogren's Support | HealthUnlocked

Sjogren's Support

699 members176 posts

Rheumatologist change

Good morning, having major issues with my present rheumatologist, he seems very ...

Painful tongue

I have sojrens and have a very painful tongue on one side it feels bruised and l...
Myflowers2 profile image

Sore tongue

Does anyone else that has Sojrens have a sore tongue and feels like a lump when ...
Myflowers2 profile image

Sore tongue

Does anyone else have a very sore tongue. I am wondering if it's connected to me...
Myflowers2 profile image

Are you a disabled mother who uses LA services?

I am a disabled mother and I am currently do my MSC and looking for participants...

Rash after operation

I had a reverse shoulder replacement last Monday. Surgeon said the op went well...


Hi,looking for advice please.Two weeks ago I was put on 20mg Methatrexate for Sj...
Den73 profile image
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This community is a safe space for members to chat about their experience with Sjogren's syndrome.

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