Posts - Restless Legs Syndrome | HealthUnlocked

Restless Legs Syndrome

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All posts for July 2014

Someone take my legs away.

Christ this hurts. Just began trialing lyrica. Alongside ropinorole and dulosepi...
restless1973 profile image

Rls help

Hi This is my first post. Ive has Rls for about 10 years, at first a couple of n...
dawnie44 profile image

RLS - restricted blood flow and stretched nerve cells.

RLS - Is it possible that restricted blood flow and / or bent or stretched nerve...
Pete-1 profile image
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Relationship between RLS and tiredness?

I was wondering if there was any sort of connection between RLS and fatigue; obv...
catherinem13 profile image

Can't afford extended Release Pramipexole

My GP did switch me over to extended release but it only comes in the name brand...
Rosetta2014 profile image

Do I have Narcolepsy?

I have been having some trouble staying awake at work, for some reason, I feel v...
Hidden profile image

This is info for those in the UK, who may be taking Motilium10 for nausea.

Anyone who is taking these and you are worried, i would contact your doctor and ...
Hidden profile image

Residue ache from bouts of RLS

Hi, I have had RLS for more years than I can remember, but in the last 10 or s...
madfol profile image


I take Pramipexole (mirpex) 1mg three times a day and it works for me.
Rosetta2014 profile image

Post Support for RLS

Since having RLS. I've basically been told that sorry you can't drive anymore, c...
VinceFW profile image

Best first medication to try for RLS?

I have a meeting with a rheumatologist on Thursday. I think first and foremost t...
ELMAGO_1 profile image

Pain comes and goes.

I was diagnosed with RLS 18 months ago currently on Ropinirole which works a tre...
Walkie1973 profile image

Anyone been seen at John Radcliffe Oxford -UK?

Hi After many phone calls I have finally been referred to neurophysiology at Joh...

New Format

Just a quick post to see if everyone is understanding the new format, which is s...
Hidden profile image

New Format

Here we go again yet another change to the format....if it aint broke, why fix i...
Hidden profile image


I am going crazy with my RLS i had to self diagnose myself saw many doctors but ...
user_2 profile image

Do any of you with RLS also suffer from Behçets Syndrome? Have you found anything that helps relieve the symptoms. It's driving me mad!!!

Having tried drugs like gabapentin & duloxetine unsuccessfully im getting desper...
Hulio profile image

RLS back with a bang after 3 years break

I've suffered terrible with RLS during my pregnancies but the last 3 years I hav...
Kayebo profile image

I hate RLS

So on Thursday I leave to go to music festival until Monday which involves campi...
catherinem13 profile image

Finally got my ferritin result, it was 28?

Is this too low, should I ask for supplements? By the way, my GP said the resul...
ELMAGO_1 profile image

Please help.

I am a 19 year old female. At 17 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but other tha...
rooseph profile image

Restless legs?

Would the cause of restless legs be lack of a sort of Vit or mineral, or somethi...
tango1 profile image

I cut all processed foods, especially wheat and now my "All Over RLS" is completely gone.

When I eat pizza (my weakness) it comes right back. When I stick with unprocess...
SageinReno profile image


I have suffered with RLS for about 10 years now, and I take pramipexole 0.088m...
MYSTERYLADY profile image

I have been taking the maximum dose of Pramipexole for the past 6years, and am due to have a Bypass Heart operation shortly.

Obviously the doctors will be aware of the medications I am taking, but I wonder...
madfol profile image

I was diagnosed with pd 6 years ago I'm 67 years old .i had a neurologist for 5years and was on sinemet every 3 hours but suffered a lot

Of pain . I changed neurologist and he out me on Stalevo 4 times a day , now 5 ...
Shol profile image

I have had RLS for 40 plus years,before they had any knowledge of what it was. I would describe it that I wanted to sleep but my motor

Sleep but my motor keeps running. I can't tell you how many years I have spent o...
Gabby2949 profile image

god damn legs

sat here kicking away,trying my hardest to ignore it with no joy,i hate it i hat...
katierp profile image

I have found that going Dairy Free helps my RLS meds work effectively

I have severe RLS, occurs any time of day and in whole body. For about 5 years I...
Hidden profile image

RLS foods and digestion

It does seem that RLS is associated with foods, If I have a large meal, the RLS ...
Hopeless100 profile image