Posts - Prostate Cancer Network | HealthUnlocked

Prostate Cancer Network

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All posts for June 2023

3 years Post-VRMAT-RT & ADT

After 3 years my PSA went from 20.3 μg/L down to 0.02 μg/L and Testosterone fr...
doc1947g profile image

Low psa, but have pca

Is there anyone else out there who had a normal PSA,but has prostate cancer. Aft...
bubularich profile image

Some Good News

My intro told my story, but condensed, PSA 8.6. Biopsy 4 of 15 positive 3(3+4) (...
Chasbearcat999 profile image
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Talzenna approved by FDA

FDA Approves Talzenna for Metastatic, Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Si...
Magnus1964 profile image

Sadly, I've joined the PCa club ...

46 years old, married, no kids. Saw my urologist last week. I have a Gleason sco...
nvidia-ati profile image

Repeat boopsy

Having repeat tp biopsy in October as part of AS protocol first one was 24 core...
pd63 profile image

post HIFU salvage RT

is there any research or discussion about the impact on the effectiveness and or...
SimMartin profile image

Depression after PCa treatmen

One of the email missives led me to a post, 3 yrs ago, by a nice man who said h...
WhatHump profile image

Short Video about MRIs
Darryl profile image

Intake question MSKCC

I had a RP/PND 5 years ago at MSKCC (Dr. Touijer). I had called up cold and was...
dentaltwin profile image


Has anyone heard of or have used Lutetium 177 as a treatment for prostate cance...
Gulfrider profile image

ADT before and after IMRT

So my husband had 5 Cycles of Taxotere in 2019, was first line treatment, starte...
Keeper70 profile image

Dad just diagnosed, looking for advice

Hi everyone, My dad (aged 60) has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He'...
May1994 profile image

Adjuvant ADT

Hi everybody, this is the first time I post on (any) PC-forum. I can honestly te...
Nomiskneh profile image

Radiotherapy so far

just on my way to the hospital for #15 radiotherapy session, only got 8 more to ...
ukpete profile image

Interesting article about cycling and PCa

I have seen so many avid cyclists on this forum. Hmmm.....
witantric profile image

How I Survived 4 Bouts of Prostate Cancer - Special Father’s Day Video
Darryl profile image

AI and Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer to me is amazing with respect to all the various permutations of...
OldVTGuy profile image

Prostate Cancer and foul semen?

Can Prostate Cancer cause foul-smelling semen?My girlfriend noticed that my seme...
Lost_Sheep profile image

How reliable is the MiraDX prostox test?

My MiraDX test came back high risk after taking for possible sbrt treatment at U...
Riku100 profile image

Anyone have a high testosterone after SBRT?

In September 2022 I had image guided SBRT utilizing ViewRay Technology for a 3+4...

Best form of radiation

a friend of mine has been diagnosed with a Gleason 9 (4+5). He also has perinea...
leach234 profile image

Any experience with Ultra-hypofractionated beam tmt. (5 fractions) with HDR Brachy Boost?

My RO at UCLA is offering HDR Brachy but with only 5 high dose fractions of beam...

Life Extension NK Cell Activator

Anyone has used or any view on Life Extension NK Cell Activator?Any food regime ...
Soumen79 profile image

testosterone boosters after ADT?

I finished SBRT in September and a six month course of ADT in March. I asked my...
Mike404 profile image

How long should PSA go down after SBRT

Before Treatment, 3+4 gleason, PSA 2.7 on Avodart. 9 months after ViewRay SBRT ...

Malecare's Pride and Prostate Cancer 2023 festival continues next week on YouTube

Malecare's Pride and Prostate Cancer 2023 festival continues next week on YouTub...
Darryl profile image

Advice on order of operations.

First, thank you everyone for the good advice. My urologist called to schedule a...

seminal vesicles

does positive core samples in close proximity to seminal vesicles mean high risk...
Gmac6911 profile image

BRCA2 and prostate cancer

My husband has the BRCA2 gene mutation. We’ve known this since 2015 and that he ...