Posts - PKD Charity for Autosomal Dominant PKD | HealthUnlocked

PKD Charity for Autosomal Dominant PKD

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All posts for September 2018

going on vacation- any advice?

just a short jaunt to the Florida Keys but I am worried about following the low ...

Was Diagnosed at age 20 with PKD I’m 53 now

Hello members, my GFR is at 23 The cysts are going up my liver and Pancrease, ...
bonneville profile image

Liver cyst drainage and de-roofing

I have pkd which has also lead to liver cyst. I am due to have a huge liver cyst...
123432 profile image
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Life Insurance

Just wanted to know, has anyone been able to secure life insurance with a diagno...
athenat profile image

I'm so confused about this disease

hello everyone! I am hoping someone can shed some light on this for me. I was di...

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