Posts - Chronic Pancreatitis Support | HealthUnlocked

Chronic Pancreatitis Support

860 members297 posts

All posts for December 2023


Please don't think me daft but I get the feeling of nausea occasionally feels li...
Jackie1947 profile image

Radiation induced cystitis

hello , currently I am dealing with severe cystitis . Apart from HBOT , does any...

clinical trials

have had all symptoms of pancreatitis from alcohol I think I have had every scan...
Taper710 profile image
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CP and Autoimmune Disease

Hello, I had some on and off abdominal pain months ago and now it is constant an...

📣 Discussion Topic: How did you find out your pancreatitis was chronic?

Pancreatitis is a progressive disease, sometimes diagnosed as acute pancreatitis...
Skye_MC profile image


I have chronic pancreatitis treated with Creon but I just discovered why and tha...
Joanhappy21 profile image

Managing Pancreatitis During the Holidays: In Conversation With Dr. Hernandez-Barco [Video]

Hi everyone! 👋 You may remember this video from last year, but it's a good time...
Skye_MC profile image

Vitamin Deficiencies & Pancreatitis: What You Should Know [Video]

Hi everyone! 👋 We have a new patient education video, presented by Dr. Sinead D...
Skye_MC profile image

how to cope with CP?

since my diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis I have been very overwhelmed and sad....
Sea1957 profile image

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