Posts - Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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All posts for January 2023


I thought FLOT was 7 after infusion and feel worst everday ..dizzy,br...

Repost! Ended up in the wrong place! Treating under nourishment

So I'm currently eating about 1000 calories a day. I've asked a doctor, neurolog...

oesophageal cancer / PET scan

Hello, my relative had an endoscopy which found an 8cm tumour and they’ve taken ...
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Where have sugar-free Rennies gone?

All you sufferers must have a box of Rennies on hand, but why are the sugar free...

Red raw sore throat for 3 months. LPR?

Had GORD for over 20 years and Barrett's was diagnosed about 5 years ago. Was re...
pffft2017 profile image

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