Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for August 2023

NRAS Mela event - 9th September

Dear All, If you haven't seen out NRAS events page recently we would like to le...

Off topic planes, trains and automobiles

So I’ve finally decided to buy a mobility scooter, we can share it as if I buy t...
medway-lady profile image

5 weeks to diagnose GCA

Hi. I started to get sick June 24, 2023. Progressively worse each week. Headac...
Groda profile image
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So I waited till Tuesday, with the bank holiday. Rang and asked for a specific G...


I am doing brilliantly on 200 mg filgotinib for last 7 months,a miracle drug as ...
Doodlereggie profile image

hair loss

since taking methotrexate my hair loss is more.. is there any tips for this??
Jakey2020 profile image

Blood clots in calf

Has anyone had issues with blood clots (superficial vein thrombosis) in their le...
Susiemac1321 profile image

Ra blood tests - what causes wbc to rise apart from an infection?

Hi wondered if anyone had experience of this. my wbc has raised to 12.0 (over ...
lindyloo2018 profile image

Increasing to 25mg Metoject

Hi Everyone, Just wondering if anyone has experienced going from 20mg to 25mg M...
Gardengirl61 profile image

frustrated with gp re pain meds.

Ever since I had my stroke in 2018, I’ve not been allowed nsaids, due to the inc...
Runrig01 profile image

Low platelets

Hi I'm on toclizumab I had a phone call after visiting clinic about my platelet...
Vonnie10 profile image

Greater susceptibility???

Read this, posted in another group: “BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing inf...
Hisue profile image

MTX no longer working. What are best alternatives?

Hi, just thought I'd post to see if anyone has been through similar situation to...
MsEm profile image

Advice Required

Sorry this is long So I've had a rough summer. Initially really tired in evenin...

Rheumy flare

I've had a real flare which hasn't happened for years, so soo bad the pain was a...
vivgibbs profile image

Nordimet instead of Metoject

Hi, I have just collected my prescription and been given Nordimet instead of my...
Scootergirl1 profile image

Something positive

Hope it’s okay to post here? I thought I would share one of the big things in my...
Kati66 profile image

armpit redness

I’ve got this redness around both armpits and I’m not sure what this could be, I...

Foot Fusion on Biologics

Has any one had foot surgery ( taviculalar fusion ) and on the biological Rituxi...
-Mii profile image


Hi Does anyone know how long Methotrexate / Metoject stays in your system . I ...
skinclinic profile image


Hey everyone, My rheumy decided to put me on Humira. I've taken mtx, leflunomide...
cosana profile image

foot fusion

I’m on waiting list for foot 🦶 fusion on right foot I’m strongly thinking about...
Deejojo profile image

do RA immunosuppressants stop the body showing a high temperature with infection ?

Hello I read somewhere that taking RA immunosuppressants and/or systemic steroi...
lindyloo2018 profile image

Normal or not

Hi. I'm waiting for a diagnosis of spondyloarthritis. In the meentime, i have n...
Shadow35 profile image

Depo IM injection advice

Good morning everyone,I have been really struggling with inflammation levels in ...

Foot Surgery

Hi All. I have had R A for 40 years and had numerous replacement joints, fusion...
Lematt profile image


Has anyone had any experience of having physiotherapy , either NHS or private? ...
spartacus101 profile image

Orthopaedic shoes nhs.

Hello Can you get orthopaedic shoes on the nhs,? If so how does one go about get...

Does anyone on similar meds to me for RA have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

I've been on rituximab and Lefludomide for about ten years and all is reasonably...
cathie profile image

damn shingles update

they’ve admitted me! I went for an audiology test because I have lost hearing on...
Bon1 profile image