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More To Life

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All posts for August 2017

Coming to terms

Hi, I'm 44 years old and have been trying for a baby for the 1st time with my pa...
Missyf73 profile image

Factsheet to give to family, friends etc help them understand

So ladies the below website is extremely helpful to search on but if you want a ...
lightl profile image

Another one pregnant grrrr!!!

Sorry girls/boys I need a rant this morning. Been off work week holiday in wales...
lightl profile image
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I got annoyed at the tea...

Yesterday we went to Tesco for some very exciting late night shopping. We needed...
Katybetter profile image


I found this on google & pretty much sums up how I feel x
Katybetter profile image

Fertility and Cancer

my case is an unusual one - both of us (my husband & I) have had cancer with our...
Hidden profile image

Just found out about being infertile.

Hi Guys. It's my first post, and I'm struggling. Me and my partner had been tryi...
C13m91988 profile image

The first moment I felt ok

Today I went to a festival for children with a friend & her two children. I got ...
Katybetter profile image

IVF - The cost of it all.

Hello, I have never posted on a forum before so please bear with me! Me and my h...

Another link which may be of interest

One woman's inspirational story of how she coped with multiple miscarriages and ...

Check out this blog post from one of our volunteers

Just saying Helo.

7 years ago we started on our IVF journey and had 7 IVF treatments all self fund...
Jes72 profile image

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