Posts - Lipoedema UK | HealthUnlocked

Lipoedema UK

876 members165 posts

All posts for November 2016


There is a group of people including patients and Dr,s who meet in Newcastle Sta...
Shelah profile image

Help please.

Are there any Lipoedema surgens in the midlands please.
Shelah profile image

Is oedema connected ?

With lipo-lymphoeema I found THE compression garments so extremely uncomfortabl...
skybluepink profile image
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would you believe it I Am allergic to the cream the doctor gave me I am now in a...
lizmurphy61 profile image


Hello ladies, I am interested in the facebook group. How does one join. I am lo...
Newlipo profile image

Lipodema surgeons

Expat Brit visiting UK over xmas. Need a consult for lipodema. Nothing in Dallas...
Newlipo profile image

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