Posts - Heal My PTSD | HealthUnlocked

Heal My PTSD

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All posts for July 2023

Do I have PTSD

Hi everyone. I have been experiencing some symptoms which I think might be ptsd....
Spedyrecovry50 profile image


I can’t get rid of the nightmares…
Curry223 profile image

Help please

I'm so overwhelmed and I feel like I'm just a burden to my family but I need som...
FindingPeace13 profile image
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What is ‘fawning’ - the lesser known of the 4 F's? How is it related to trauma, PTSD and the ‘fight or flight’ response?

You have probably heard of “fight or flight” responses to distressing situations...
AussieNeil profile image

This might help...

I saw this the other day and thought it was pretty helpful. Maybe it will help s...


I came across 2 in my life that I know of, each time very short but Detrimental....
Agara33 profile image

Naming Emotions/Triggers

My therapist has been having me "name" my emotions and triggers. For example, sh...

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