Posts - Graves Disease Support | HealthUnlocked

Graves Disease Support

1,823 members284 posts

All posts for May 2021

Over-active to under-active thyroid problems??

Is it true that if Carbozimole is not taken correctly (as in the correct dose on...
M1zzM4zz profile image

Blood test and what next 😊

Not sure what I need to ask. Last year my serum free T4 was 10.5 pmol serum TSH...
Molly65 profile image

Carbimazole dosage

Diagnosed with Graves ( TSI positive) & active TED and have been taking 5mg c...
Ex111 profile image
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Hi this is my 3rd run with Graves,but this time is very breast became so painful i gained 4 kg plus body swelling, allergies

Cough Heightened smell
Antlove profile image

Carbimazole side effects?

I’ve just relapsed graves after about 15 years in remission. I had covid in Janu...

TFT’s and vitamin tests results.

Hello again to all you kind and helpful people on this forum. Any I have Graves...
Bananas4ski profile image

Nerves and Anxiety

What methods do you use to combat anxiety due to Graves’ ? I’m too weak from lo...
Sweetmango85 profile image

Feeling dreadful

I was diagnosed with Graves early 2017. I got back on an even keel and was in r...
Ruane profile image

Grave Disease and Insomia

Hello everyone, i was diagnosed with grave disease 1 month ago. Though my progre...
CalvinNg profile image

Hyper anxiety

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with Graves in 2016. I have had limited symptoms up...

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