tips to convince gynaecologist to give m... - Endometriosis UK

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tips to convince gynaecologist to give me a hysterectomy

Prettythings1 profile image
21 Replies

Hello I need some effective tips to convince my gynaecologist to give me a hysterectomy

I have had laps in the past to remove endo

I have had two children I do not want anymore

I have been on prostap injections for the past 16 to 18 months and cannot tolerate the side-effects anymore

Mood changes


Painful joints effecting mobility

my gynaecologist has said in the past that she doesn’t want to do a hysterectomy because I am complicated case ( complex medical history)

I am not comfortable, trying the mini pill to stop my periods as I have epilepsy and I’m very worried about hormonal treatments because of my epilepsy

I also cannot take HRT to help with the symptoms of the ProStep injections because of my epilepsy

I have an appointment with my gynaecologist this week and wanted to be prepared for my appointment so what can I say to get them to give me a hysterectomy? Please


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21 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image


I’m not really sure why they are refusing, surely if it’s complicated giving a hysterectomy would make it simpler. Is she BSGE registered? If not ask for a referral to a centre as I’d imagine if they’ve left Endo around the bowel that might be why she’s classing things as complicated. That’s not fair on you. Have you got a copy of your medical notes? They come in very handy at times.

I completely understand you wanting one. Mine got complicated as I had fibroids causing issues as well as Endo and adhesions. I must admit that area was so much easier after. Swore to myself I’d never have one but no regrets. I use Sage instead of HRT, seems to be ok for me.

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to Moon_maiden

Thank you so much for your reply how to say to work as an alternative to HRT

she said it would be complicated to do a hysterectomy army because I have had two Caesarean sections which means there is scar tissue in for her to navigate around in the surgery, so it is hard for her there is also scar tissue from my laparoscopy, which also makes it difficult for her. (she’s just making excuses.)

No idea if shes BSGE registered I have asked previously, if there was someone else I could have a second opinion from I was told there was not so i feel quite lost

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Prettythings1

Yep making excuses by the sounds of it, I think they avoid any surgery over an hour. You should be able to look the hospital up on the BSGE site and see who is the main registered Gynae. You can get a second opinion, she or your GP can do this. It’s not a given, but it’s really rare not to get one. What’s complicated for her wouldn’t be for an Endo specialist who is used to adhesions.

I was recently told by one general surgeon that he wouldn’t do the op I want of looking for adhesions round the small bowel as it would be very risky, but one of the main surgeons didn’t seem to mind. At the moment they are pulling straws, I mean finding a slot 🤣🤣

There is always a surgeon experienced enough to do the op for you and your current Gynae isn’t working in your best interest. Will someone be with you? It’s good to have someone as consultant tends to be a little more open and less obstructive.

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to Moon_maiden

no just me on my own theres no one I could ask!

My gp has said she doesnt u derstand why I am still on these injections ( she said she would write to the gyne) dont know if she actually has

Hopefully i have more of an argument this time fingerscrossed

So do you take sage tablets how does the sage work xxx

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Prettythings1

I’m sure you’ll be ok, write things down as well so you don’t forget anything.

Your GP sounds sensible, technically the injections are only licensed for six months. You could use that to your advantage. Ask her or GP for a bone scan. Too many Gynae are keeping women on it too long these days. You’re supposed to sign off on unlicensed medication so you’re aware of the risks.

🤞, let us know how it goes.

Sage is one of the natural HRT, there are others and mind has gone blank 🤦‍♀️. I was given some HRT but didn’t like it. There is now a nature identical HRT on prescription, if I remember the name I’ll let you know. It’s fairly new but I think is on the NHS.

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to Moon_maiden

Thank you so much. You are so helpful as always. Xx

eunha profile image

Just remain tactful but firm about your choice. Rather than convince her, repeat your decision and make your goal for the appointment to be getting a referral. If she refuses to be helpful its okay 💕 We've all had appointments that ended up useless. Moon_maiden seems to have good advice for the system in your area.

I hope it all goes well and you can get your hysterectomy 💕

Rainbow2468 profile image

Is she making excuses or is she being cautious. In my experience they can't wait to offer you one, and get very stroppy when you refuse one. It won't cure your endemetriosis. And they can leave you with a whole host of nasty health issues too. So I wouldn't be rushing into having one done. X

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to Rainbow2468

i feel like i have exhausted all of my options nothing left to try what nasty health issues can peoe be left with please xx

Rainbow2468 profile image
Rainbow2468 in reply to Prettythings1

Hi osreperosis, heart disease, premature ageing, prolapse, bladder problems, bowel problems, Parkinsons, just to name a few things. Our overies, uterus and things release hormones that protect us from cancers and heart disease. I'm so very sorry your suffering so much it's entirely your choice if you want to try again for a hysterectomy. But i know after so many surgeries they do have to be careful, as it can be more risky. Sorry for my bad spelling in places. I'm not trying to scare you or put you off. But i did some research into hysterectomies, when they said it was my only option, which turned out to be a lie. So that's why I share what I know. I'm currently awaiting a second opinion from another gynecologist, thankfully she's an expert in endemetriosis and adenomyosis. I do hope you get the support and care you need. Sending you a big hug xx

TogetherWeAreStrong profile image
TogetherWeAreStrongModeratorEndometriosis UK

Hi Prettythings1 , I am so sorry to learn about your situation. Moon_maiden has given some excellent advice and information (as always).

I have posted a link to a webinar from our Endo site which is all about getting the most out of your gynae appointments:

Please take care and keep in touch with us, I hope you get an appointment asap to see an Endo specialist, as they are out there 🙏

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to TogetherWeAreStrong

this is reslly helpful thanks xx

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to TogetherWeAreStrong

thank you x

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to TogetherWeAreStrong

Thank you so much. They’ve actually cancelled my appointment after all my women and I have it in a few weeks time instead

TogetherWeAreStrong profile image
TogetherWeAreStrongModeratorEndometriosis UK

It's my pleasure I just wished I was aware of this forum before, I find it a great comfort. Keep on keeping on, that appointment will be here before you know it x

It would be helpful if the gynaecologist could give you much more detailed explanation for her views and the challenges she feels push you into high risk categories. Some of those maybe risks you are willing to undertake if you are fully informed. At least that way you can take those concerns discussed when you get a second opinion and to see if another surgeon might tackle the issues differently. Giving you Broad brush information here isn’t helpful for you just leaving you extremely vulnerable and frustrated which aside of anything else simply adds to the stress. We all need to make informed decisions and you can’t on this basis.

Prettythings1 profile image

I had my appointment with the consultant

She is still reluctant to do a hysterectomy because of the risks involved

She would rather I stay on these injections until I go through natural menopause which could be another 13 years etc

But because of the severity of my endometriosis, she is going to speak to an anaesthesiologist

Shw wants me to have an appointment with an anaesthesiologist to determine whether it’s safe for me to have general anaesthetic

If it is safe, I will be allowed to have the surgery

Because waiting list is so long, it won’t be for years anyway therefore she wants me to stay on these injections until then

She has told me to look into Chinese medicine for an alternative to HRT

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Prettythings1


How do you feel about it? At least she’s agreed to get things looked at by anaesthetist. Did you ask about bone scan?

Sorry I didn’t see this earlier, had surgery Friday. Only adhesions round liver and he removed the appendix (I asked him to)

Prettythings1 profile image
Prettythings1 in reply to Moon_maiden

I hope you are feeling better after your surgery and it helps.

I feel okay about it and she did tell me it was a 3 to 5 you wait for surgery though

I asked about the bone scan and she said we would only do a bone scan once the patient has been on the injection for three years which shocked me because it is licensed for six months only

I have been to see my GP today about HRT options and increased the antidepressants. I’m on to help with mood and irritability because of the injection

The joys! Xxx

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Prettythings1

Thank you, bit early to tell yet, so sore and bruised.

That’s a ridiculous amount of time for surgery, that’s like they are just putting it back to keep you on the injection. Speak to GP about bone scan and maybe a second opinion if you wanted one.

You don’t have to have the injection if you don’t think it’s working. Maybe a referral to a menopause expert if you do stay on it. Do the antidepressants help?

Prettythings1 profile image

thanks I will do that xx

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