Posts - EFA | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for March 2017


Hi. 6 months ago I went to the doctors and he said I had tonsillitis but it went...
Dylan2000 profile image

hello,i,m natal nasal polyp sufferer with badly deviated septum.this condition has brought me close to suicide,but i,m fighting

i have cat ,grass and tree pollen allergies.theres no pretending that medicines ...
woodcock777 profile image

Hayfever is coming

There are many people who suffer from hayfever severely and all GP's can apparen...
CalvinTang profile image
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Atopic conjunctivitis

Hi all Does anyone suffer with atopic conjunctivitis aka giant papilliary conjun...
Aly-t66 profile image

strange swelling on nose

along with a very bad cold infection :- Eyes itchy , headaches, Earache, what w...
kkjp33joe profile image


Recently went to immunology clinic who confirmed a dust mite allergy and cat all...
jan85uk profile image

Hi, introducing myself

Hi. I guess I should introduce myself to this group. I am 48 years old. I hav...

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