Posts - Different Strokes | HealthUnlocked

Different Strokes

1,303 members459 posts

All posts for February 2018

more sociable

Have started to get out a bit more now, into something i used to associate as pr...
2stroke profile image

Is it usual?

Is it usual post stroke to feel lightheaded ,often I admit it does worry me, the...
2stroke profile image

Hi everyone : )

Hi, Hope this finds everyone in good spirit. Hope you all dont mind me joining u...
Sheepdogs profile image
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Possible stroke?

Worried that I have fluid on the brain, leaking, and this will lead to a possibl...
Lydia1960 profile image

Nephew with Stroke Seems Like He's Giving Up

Hi, My nephew who is in his early 40's had a heart attack. Had 5 blocked arter...
Tiger101 profile image

Aphasia It's still me

TIA advice urgently needed please

in France on holiday and my husband was rushed into hospital with a suspected s...
Mariemcdo profile image

Has the text written in by hid...

Has the text written in by hidden,stopped everyone from writing in anymore.. no ...
2stroke profile image

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